RS PRO Lemezmosó termoelem, 2m hosszú kábel, J típusú, Réz anyagú szonda, 2m-es szonda nak nek +350°C IEC, RoHS
- RS raktári szám:
- 200-0610
- Gyártó:
Ár Darab**
8 697 Ft
(ÁFA nélkül)
11 045 Ft
63 Raktáron van 4 munkanapon belüli szállításra.*
*A szállítási határidők a rendelt mennyiség és a szállítási cím függvényében változhatnak.
INGYENES házhozszállítás 15 000 Ft felett
Egység | Egységenként |
1 + | 8 697 Ft |
- RS raktári szám:
- 200-0610
- Gyártó:
- Származási ország (Country of Origin):
- GB
RS PRO Grounded Junction Washer Thermocouple, Type J
Introducing the range of RS PRO Brake Pad Thermocouples, designed for low profile surface temperature measurement. They have been designed with a grounded sensing junction and a tin-plated copper washer for fast and accurate response and measurement, as well as include a 2 m fibreglass insulated, stainless steel overbraid cable that is attached to the stainless-steel thermocouple tip using a high temperature, ceramic-based sealant for optimum reliability.
Features and Benefits:
- This range of RS PRO Washer Temperature Sensors have been designed for monitoring surface temperatures up to +350°C and to deliver high performance temperature measurements reliably and consistently
- The thermocouple has a grounded junction and a 2 m fibreglass insulated flat pair of cables with a stainless steel overbraid for added reliability
- Available as Type K and J Thermocouples
- All sensors in the range are available with 3.5 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm washer diameters
RS Pro típusú J hőelem 3-as házban. 5 mm-es alátét szemes csatlakozó, földelt vég a gyors válaszhoz. Minden mosó-termoelem 2 m-es üvegszállal és rozsdamentes acéllal rendelkezik, a nagyobb védelem és mechanikai szilárdság érdekében.
What other thermocouples are included in this range?
Üvegszálas szigetelésű lapos érpár rozsdamentes acélból, fonatos kötéssel
Melléklet 5 mm-es hézagfurat
Melléklet 5 mm-es hézagfurat
- 200-0605 3.5mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type J
- 200-0606 3.5mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type K
- 200-0607 4mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type J
- 200-0609 4mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type K
- 200-0610 5mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type J
- 200-0611 5mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type K
- 200-0612 8mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type J
- 200-0613 8mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type K
- 200-0615 10mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type J
- 200-0616 10mm Washer Thermocouple SSOB Type K
How does a Thermocouple Work?
A thermocouple is a sensor used to measure temperature in a range of different processes and consists of two wire legs made from different metals joined together at their two ends to form two junctions. The hot junction, also known as the measuring junction, is connected to the body whose temperature is going to be measured, while the cold junction or reference junction is connected to a body of known temperature. When the measuring junction is placed on something hot a voltage or potential difference between this and the reference junction occurs. This voltage can then be converted into a temperature measurement using thermocouple reference tables. This process is also known as the Seebeck Effect.
What is a Surface Thermocouple?
This thermocouple is designed for measuring the temperature on a surface. Most thermocouples have a sensing tip where there ends of the thermocouple wires are encased in sheaths or protection tubes which do not allow for measuring the temperature of a surface area. In surface temperature sensing thermocouples, the exposed welded wire junction is housed in a magnet, adhesive patch, washer or bolt which provides a true surface contact. These thermocouple sensors are easy to install and use, the washer at the end of the sensor is simply positioned under a bolt or a rivet
RS PRO is our own brand range and brings you a wide range of high-quality, great value products offering you more choice. Trusted by engineers all over the world, every part of every RS PRO product has been rigorously tested against demanding industry standards
they’re only given the RS PRO seal of approval if we’re confident of their exceptional quality, which means you can be confident too.
Tulajdonság | Érték |
Termoelem típusa | J |
Szonda átmérője | 5mm |
Szonda hossza | 2m |
Maximális érzékelt hőmérséklet | +350°C |
Szonda anyaga | Réz |
Lezárás típusa | Csupasz vezetékes végződés |
Kábel hossza | 2m |
Teljesített szabványok | IEC, RoHS megfelelőségű |